Gao Huang, Ph.D.

2024 AYS Fellow - Maths&CS

Associate Professor, Department of Automation, Tsinghua University

Research Area: Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Foundation Models

Award Citation: The AYSF committee acknowledges his contribution to the development of machine learning techniques, in particular DenseNet architecture, which enhances learning efficiency, training stability, and performance and would like to support his exploration in building comprehensive multimodal understanding and generation systems.

Bio: Gao Huang is an Associate Professor in the Department of Automation at Tsinghua University. He received the Ph.D. degree from Tsinghua University in 2015, and was a postdoc at Cornell University from 2015 to 2018. His current research interests include deep learning, computer vision, and embodied AI. He authored about 100 papers on top-tier conferences and journals, and have collected more than 60,000 citations. His work on DenseNet won the Best Paper Award of CVPR 2017, and the work on Deformable Attention Transformer was selected among the Best Paper Finalists of CVPR 2022. He serves as an Associate Editor for IEEE T-PAMI, IEEE T-BD and Pattern Recognition, and served as an Area Chair for CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, ICML, NeurIPS, etc.

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Manchun Lee


Ziwei Liu