Ziwei Liu, Ph.D.

2024 AYS Fellow - Maths&CS

Assistant Professor, College of Computing and Data Science, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Research Area: Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Computer Graphics

Award Citation: The AYSF committee acknowledges his contribution to the development of AI-driven mixed reality and would like to support his exploration in the direction of high-quality reconstruction for virtual/mixed reality toward advancing AI theories, algorithms, and systems for holistic perceptions.

Bio: Ziwei Liu is currently an Assistant Professor at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. His research revolves around computer vision, machine learning and computer graphics. He has published extensively on top-tier conferences and journals in relevant fields, including CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, NeurIPS, ICLR, SIGGRAPH, TPAMI, TOG and Nature - Machine Intelligence. He is the recipient of Microsoft Young Fellowship, Hong Kong PhD Fellowship, ICCV Young Researcher Award, HKSTP Best Paper Award, CVPR Best Paper Award Candidate, WAIC Yunfan Award, International Congress of Basic Science Frontiers of Science Award and MIT Technology Review Innovators under 35 Asia Pacific. He serves as an Area Chair of CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, NeurIPS and ICLR, as well as an Associate Editor of IJCV.

Personal Web: https://liuziwei7.github.io/  


Gao Huang