Jiheong Kang, Ph.D.

2024 AYS Fellow - Physical Science

Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea

Research areas: Supramolecular Chemistry, Polymer chemistry, Material Science, Soft Material

Award Citation: The AYSF Committee acknowledges his contribution to development of a percolation network with exceptional electrical and electromechanical properties and would like to support his further exploration of 'Molecularly Intelligent' dynamic materials to engineer soft material systems with unprecedented dynamic properties.

Bio: Jiheong Kang received his B.S. in Polymer Chemistry from Seoul National University in 2012 and his Ph.D. in Supramolecular Chemistry from the University of Tokyo in 2017 under Professor Takuzo Aida. He then worked as a postdoctoral associate with Professor Zhenan Bao at Stanford University for two years. In 2020, he began his academic career at KAIST and moved to the Department of Chemistry at Seoul National University as an Associate Professor in 2024. Jiheong's research focuses on Supramolecular Chemistry in polymer networks, Dynamic Materials Chemistry, and Soft Materials for Biomedi. His work has been published in top journals like Science, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Electronics, and Nature Communications. He has received the Reaxys PhD Award, the MIT Technology Review TR35 Asia Pacific, and the Young Scientist Award from the President of Korea.

Personal Web: https://jiheongkanglab.com/


Mahipal Ganji


Kai Leng