Kento Fujita, Ph.D.

2024 AYS Fellow - Maths&CS

Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University

Research Area: Fano varieties, K-stability, birational geometry

Award Citation: The AYSF Committee acknowledges his contribution to the geometry of Fano varieties, in particular, the valuative criterion for K-stability and would like to support his exploration to the K-stability and K-moduli of Fano varieties.

Bio: Kento Fujita is an associate professor at Osaka University (Japan). He received his PhD from Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Kyoto University in 2014. After that, he spent in Department of Mathematics in Kyoto University as a Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (JSPS) for two years. During 2016--2018, he worked as an assistant professor in Research Institute for Mathematical Science. His research interest is algebraic geometry. Especially, his interest is birational behavior of Fano varieties, a special class of algebraic varieties. So far, he researched the Mukai conjecture, the existence of certain good models over some reducible varieties, an algorithm to classify log del Pezzo surfaces, and K-stability of Fano varieties, etc. Especially, he (and independently Chi Li) gave a birational interpretation for K-stability of Fano varieties, which is important for the recent progresses of K-stability.

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Yao Yao


Manchun Lee