Selection Committee - Mathematics

Associate professor of Mathematics, National University of Singapore

Research Area: Partial differential equations, fluid dynamics, mathematical biology

Location: Singapore

Bio: Yao Yao is an Associate Professor at Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore, and she is also the Vice Dean of NUS Graduate School. She received her BS degree from Peking University in 2007, and PhD degree from UCLA in 2012. She was a Van Vleck Visiting Assistant Professor at University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2012-2015, and an Assistant Professor at Georgia Institute of Technology in 2015-2021.

Her research interests center around nonlinear partial differential equations arising in fluid dynamics and math biology. Mathematically, the goal is to develop novel analytic tools to overcome the difficulty caused by the nonlocal and nonlinear effects. She has published in top math journals such as Annals of Mathematics and Inventiones Mathematicae, and was a recipient of the NSF CAREER Award in 2019 and Sloan Research Fellowship in 2020.

Web: https://blog.nus.edu.sg/yyao/

Last updated on: February 2025
