Announcement of 2024 AYS Fellows

Asian Young Scientist Fellowship is excited to officially announce the new cohort of 12 fellowship recipients selected in the 2024 Selection Round on August 12, 2024. These distinguished early-career scientists from China, Hong Kong SAR, India, Japan, Korea, and Singapore have been chosen for their outstanding scientific contributions and potential in their respective fields.

2024 Life Science Fellows

From left to right:

- Mengdi Han, Assistant Professor, Peking University;

- Yi Lin, Associate Professor, Tsinghua University;

- Wei Wu, Principal Investigator, A*STAR Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN);

- Shuangjia Zheng, Assistant Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

2024 Physical Science Fellows

From left to right:

- Mahipal Ganji, Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore;

- Jiheong Kang, Associate Professor, Seoul National University;

- Kai Leng, Assistant Professor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University;

- Hoi Chun Po, Assistant Professor, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

2024 Mathematics and Computer Science Fellows

From left to right:

- Kento Fujita, Associate Professor, Osaka University;

- Gao Huang, Associate Professor, Tsinghua University;

- Man-Chun Lee, Assistant Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong;

- Ziwei Liu, Assistant Professor, Nanyang Technological University.

Asian Young Scientist Fellowship (AYS Fellowship) is a privately funded research initiative in the Asian region that aims to encourage and support young scientists in Asia to carry out creative and transformative research.

The AYS Fellowship annually selects 12 early-career researchers in fundamental science disciplines: 1) Life Sciences, 2) Physical Sciences, and 3) Mathematics and Computer Science. Each fellow receives $100,000 USD over two years to support their research, along with benefits from participating in the AYSF annual conference, academic activities, and access to a network of young scientists across Asia and globally. 

The selection process is based on nomination. Eligible candidates must be within 10 years of completing their terminal degree (Ph.D./MD) and hold a full-time academic position in Asia, currently covering China (mainland, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan), India, Japan, Korea, and Singapore. Nominated candidates are required to submit a complete application for review. The Selection Committee, consisting of esteemed scientists from Asia and around the world, conducts a comprehensive review to assess the candidate’s past research achievements and future research potential.  

The 2024 Asian Young Scientist Fellowship Annual Conference is scheduled for October 31, 2024, at the University of Hong Kong. The new cohort of AYS Fellows will convene at the Annual Conference to present their research to an academic-oriented audience. An Award Ceremony will take place to honor the achievements and contributions of these exceptional individuals. We warmly welcome attention from all sectors to recognize these 12 outstanding young scientists from Asia at this event.

Reference Links:


The 2024 AYSF Annual Conference will be held on October 31, 2024, at the University of Hong Kong


AYS Webinar Summary - Session 1: The Origin of Mass in Quantum Field Theory and String Theory