Peng Du, Ph. D.

2023 AYS Fellow - Life Science

Associate Professor, School of Life Sciences, Peking University

Research Area: RNA biology, Stem Cells, embryo development, Cancer

Award Citation: The AYSF Committee acknowledges his breakthrough contribution in elucidating the relationship between spliceosomal repression and stem cell fate and would like to support his exploration in the direction of generating totipotent cells that can generate both embryonic and extra-embryonic tissues.

Bio: Peng Du, Ph.D,he has been serving as a researcher at the School of Life Sciences and the Center for Life Sciences at Peking University. Dr. Du has been engaged in research on RNA regulation and stem cell biology for a long time, exploring the application of cross-species genetic engineering in translational medicine. As the corresponding author, he has published multiple papers in international academic journals such as Cell, Nature, and Cell Stem Cell.

Dr. Du has led and participated in several national key research and development programs, as well as projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. He has received support and funding from the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, overseas high-level talent programs (youth), and has been honored with awards such as the Zhong Nanshan Youth Science and Technology Innovation Award, Gu Xiaocheng Lecture Award, Outstanding Young Researcher Award from the Chinese Society for Stem Cell Research, China Resources & Concord Medical Breakthrough Innovation Award, and Boehringer Ingelheim Young Investigator Award.

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Daishi Fujita