Katsushi IKEUCHI

Steering Committee - Computer Science

Emeritus Professor, University of Tokyo Sr. Principal Research Manager, Microsoft

Research Area: Robot vision, Computer Vision, e-Heritage

Katsushi Ikeuchi received the BE degree in Mechanical Engineering from Kyoto University and the PhD degree in Information Engineering from the University of Tokyo. After working at MIT-AI Lab, ETL, CMU-RI, U-Tokyo, he joined Microsoft in 2015.
His research interest spans computer vision, robotics, and computer graphics. In the field of computer vision, he proposed the so-called “smoothness constraints,”near-by pixels have similar visual characteristics and a variational approach with this constraint in shape- from-shading algorithm. In the field of robotics, he created the field of learning-from- observation, where a robot learns how to do from observing human actions. He also started an area, e-Heritage, to digitally preserve cultural heritage by using computer vision and computer graphics technique and the U Tokyo team, let by him, successfully digitize Cambodian Bayon temple.

His community service includes general/program chairs of dozen international conferences including IROS95, CVPR96, ICCV05, ICRA09, ICPR12, ICCV17; EIC of IJCV

(2000-2017), IJ-ITS (2012-2014). Through these research and society service, he was awarded a (life) fellow from IEEE, IAPR, IEICE, IPSJ and RSJ.
He received the Distinguished Researcher Award from IEEE-PAMI, the Medal of Honor with Purple Ribbon from Japanese Emperor, the Okawa prize from Okawa foundation as well as a couple of research achievement awards from Japanese professional societies.

Webpage: www.cvl.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~ki

Last updated on: April 2024




Jong Hae KEUM