Kaoru ONO

Steering Committee - Mathematics

Professor, Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University

Research Area: symplectic geometry, in particular Floer theory and holomorphic curves in symplectic manifolds
Location: Japan

Kaoru Ono graduated from the University of Tokyo in 1984, obtained his master's degree in 1987 and his Dr. Sci. in 1990.
After working as an instructor at Mathematical Institute, Tohoku University

(1988-1991), as a lecturer and an associate professor at Department of Mathematics, Ochanomizu University
(1991-1994,1994-1998, respectively) and as a professor at Department of Mathematics, Hokkaido University (1998-2012), he joined Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences,

Kyoto University and work as a professor since 2012. His research area is geometry and topology, especiallly symplectic geometry. He is an invited speaker at International Congress of
Mathematicians, 2006 (Topology Session).

Webpage: https://www.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/list/ono.html

Last updated on: April 2024


Vijaykrishnan NARAYANAN


Li Shiuan PEH