Life Science
Steering Committee

Investigator and Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, National Institute of Biological Science

Research Area: Innate immunity, inflammation, pyroptosis, immunogenic cell death, bacterial infection

Location: Beijing, China

Feng Shao has discovered a series of cytosolic innate immune receptors for major bacterial products (like LPS) as well as the downstream pyroptosis executioner gasdermin-D (GSDMD). These original contributions lay out the foundation for understanding how our body recognizes and defends against various pathogenic bacterial infections in the cytosol space. His further identification of the Gasdermin family of pore-forming proteins re-defines the concept of pyroptosis, thereby opening a new area in cell death, inflammation and immunity.

Web: http://www.nibs.ac.cn/en/yjsjyimgshow.php?cid=5&sid=6&id=777

Last updated on: April 2024


Shigekazu NAGATA


Hee-Sup SHIN